
Tuesday 16 February 2016

Too old for Converse?

I've always had rather a 'thing' about Converse.

Back in the early 1990s, Converse Allstars were rather expensive in the UK, and being a student, I just couldn't afford them.  After graduating, I packed a backpack, and set off to California with an Amtrak rail pass in my hands.  One of the first things I bought were, you guessed it, a pair of Converse High Tops.

I deliberated over the colour for quite a while, but being an unadventorous sort, I stuck with dark blue.  They were perfect with the new Levi's I'd just bought.  Back then, Levi's were also very expensive in the UK, and were coveted by everyone under the age of 25.  Anything other than Levi's, just shouted out that your mum bought your clothes.

My trip ended in New York, where I went on quite a shopping spree.  It goes without saying that another pair of Converse High Tops (this time bright red) were at the top of the list.  Along with more Levi's of course.

Since then I've been back to New York a few times, and on every occasion have bought a pair of Converse, and now have quite a collection.  Even though they are now far more affordable here, and the price difference has decreased, I still see it as part of the holiday to get (yet) another pair while I'm there.  Obviously in a different colour.

I've seen converse worn with suits, smart trousers, even evening dresses!  And I've also heard of such things as 'bridal converse'.  But I usually wear mine with jeans.

So, to get back to the original question, am I too old for Converse?  Well, after careful consideration,  I think that as long as I can bend down to tie up the laces, I'm young enough to wear them!

So, back to the original question, am I too old for Converse?  Hmm, maybe.  But do you know what, as I get older, I care less and less what people think about me.  So, I'm just going to keep on wearing them, until, of course, I can't bend down any more to do up the laces.

Monday 1 February 2016


February.  Closer to spring, although still fairly miserable outside.  But it does have Valentines day, right in the middle.  Hmm.  You're either in the 'send me over priced red roses and take me out for an over priced meal' camp, or the 'bah humbug, what a load of over priced nonsense' camp.  You can probably guess which one I'm in!  Having spent more than one Valentine's day alone, I'm well aware of just how miserable it can be, if you don't have the prospect of romance on the horizon.  It seems like the whole world has paired up, and that only gooey eyed couples are allowed to venture out on the evening of February 14th.  

Seeing the rows of cards, and stacks of chocolates (do you think I can use the phrase 'over priced' just one more time?) used to send my feelings of general inadequacy sky high, as I'd scuttle past on my way to the 'meals for one aisle', stopping off briefly at the end of the wine aisle, you know the spot, where the half bottles are.  Then I'd head home to sit in front of the TV and watch Bridget Jones.  Again.  Of course, come February 15th, I was back to a perfectly normal human being.  That is, just as soon as everyone else in the office had stopped comparing notes on the night before. 

Although I'm now happily ensconced with Mr Maud in our lovely house, I still baulk at the commercialisation of it all.  I resent being told when I have to be romantic.  And I'm fairly sure Mr Maud would agree with me!  

But however you feel about Valentine's day, it is just a day.  And I hope you have a very good one!