
Sunday 15 May 2016

This blogging malarkey

I'm quite new to this blogging malarkey, but I have to admit to rather enjoying it!  I quite like a good ramble, of the wordy variety.  And I'm just starting to get to grips with taking and posting photos, please bear with me while I get up to speed.

There are many reasons people blog, I've not quite worked out why I do it, but I'm sure it will come to me in time!

Anyway, I can see that I have some international readers, which makes me happy and curious all at the same time.  It would be lovely to hear from people who read my witterings, so please do say hello!

Saturday 7 May 2016

Cream first or jam?

One of my favourite things is a cream tea.  However, due to the highly calorific nature of such a treat, we usually limit these to our annual trip to Cornwall.  But, a couple of weeks ago we found ourselves in the New England Coffee House (one of my favourite tea shops) in Stow on the Wold (one of my favourite places), and somehow, ended up sitting in one of their very lovely little rooms with a cream tea.  I'm not sure how it happened, but we stuck with it, put the guilt aside, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!  

So, to the title of this post, cream first, or jam?  In Cornwall, the tradition is jam, then cream. However in Devon, it is the other way round.  So, being an indecisive sort, I usually go with the method of whichever county I happen to be in.  Bearing in my mind my earlier statement, that we only eat cream teas whilst on holiday in Cornwall, I always put the jam on first.  We used to also have an annual long weekend in Devon, so we would eat our scones cream first.  

So, what to do when in Gloucestershire?  As you can see, we stuck with what we know.

I've just booked our September trip, and am determined that there shall be no slip ups, and that our next cream tea will be somewhere on the North Cornwall coast.